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Crankshaft - Casting Numbers and Specifications
Casting Numbers Stroke
Main Dia.
Rod Diameter (inches)
241 1402625, 1483338 3.250 2.3750 1.937
270 1483338, 1671108, 1402538, 1402625, 1671108, 1731658, 1932610 3.250 2.3750 1.937
276 1327417, 1402034 3.340 2.3750 2.062
291 1402034, 1402624, 1419624 3.340 2.3750 2.062
315 1630432, 1739538 3.800 2.5000 2.250
325 1739538 3.800 2.5000 2.250
330 1635785 3.800 2.5000 2.250
331 1323335, 1335001, 1409421, 1419421 3.625 2.5000 2.250
341 1735785 3.800 2.5000 2.250
345 1736044 3.800 2.5000 2.250
354 1409421, 1419421, 1523335, 1619647, 1617184, 1635690 3.625 2.5000 2.250
392 1673755 3.910 2.6875 2.375

Early Hemi Crankshaft - Specifications
 Engine Displacement Range Main Diameter Range
Housing Bore Diameter Range (inches) Rod Journal Diameter Range (inches) Rod End
Diameter Range
392 2.6870 to 2.688 2.8800 to 2.8805 2.3740 to 2.375 2.5000 to 2.5005
331 - 354 2.4995 to 2.5005 2.6565 to 2.657 2.2490 to 2.25 2.3750 to 2.3755
330 - 345 2.4995 to 2.5005 2.6565 to 2.657 2.2490 to 2.25 2.3750 to 2.3755
315 - 325 2.4995 to 2.5005 2.6565 to 2.657 2.2490 to 2.25 2.3750 to 2.3755
276 - 291 2.3745 to 2.3755 2.5675 to 2.568 2.0615 to 2.0625 2.1875 to 2.188
241 - 270 2.3745 to 2.3755 2.5675 to 2.568 1.9365 to 1.9375 2.0625 to 2.063

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